Green Bubble Labs Apps

Autism Read & Write Pro 6.0
This is the full version of Autism Read &Write. This application is intended to help ASD children to learnthe basic of reading and writing.In order to begin the reading lessons go to:Start -> Reading lessonsFor writing lessons Start -> Writing lessons.The reading and writing lessons have different levels ofcomplexity. If you want to change this levels got to:Settings - > Reading level or Settings - > Writing level.If you want to change images and text go to: Start ->Configure lessons.During the lessons, if you want to jumps the lesson concerning aword or image, then push on the image of reference, located at thetop-center for reading lessons and at top-right for writinglessons
Autism Speech DiegoSaysPro 2
This is the full version of AutismSpeechDiegoSays. This application represents a quick and practical formof teaching your child the basics of the communication. Thecommunication is the most important element for the increase theindependence and progress of your child. This application uses thebasic needs of your child in order to improve his communicationskills.How it works:The children must push in the action button first (Ej: I want)and then push in one of the possible options (Ej. food)Remember that the persistence is you’re best allied. Youmust encorage your son to use this tool whenever he needs tocommunicate. The practice will make the rest.If you are following a diet free of gluten and casein, then thebread and other elements, present in the application, are versionsfree of gluten and casein such as rice bread.Features:-Allow to express necessity (ej. Food, toys, etc)-Allow to express mood (ej. sleepy, angry, hungry, etc)- Allow to express where he or she wants to go ( ej. to thebathroom, to play, etc)- The text can be changed- Only have voices in english but you can record voices in anylanguage.-The images can be changed using the image gallery or camera- The number of vocalization loops can be changed
Autism MindAwakenerPro 2.0
Is your children hyperactive and it isdifficult to teach him the alphabet?. Does your child like to playwith water?. Then this is your application. The aim of thisapplication is to teach the alphabet and some objects names, usingthe water. Your children could learn while they are playing.
FalaFácil Autismo DiegoDiz Pro 1
Esta diante da versão Pro da aplicaçãoFalaFácil Diegodiz. Esta aplicação representa uma forma multorápida e prática para ensinar a sua criança autista os elementosbásicos da comunicação. A comunicação e o elemento mais importantepara o incremento da independência e desenvolvimento de suacriança. Esta aplicação utiliza as necessidades básicas de suacriança para estimular seu desempenho.Como trabalha:A criança deve apertar primeiro o botam de acção (Ej: Eu quero) edepois uma das opções possíveis que se encontram em baixo (Ej:Comida).Lembre-se que a persistência e seu melhor aliado. Deve tentar quesua criança utilize esta aplicação em cada ocasião que desejecomunicar uma necessidade. A práctica fara o resto.No caso de que seu garoto esteja num regímen livre de caseína eglúten, então o pão, o sorvete e outros alimentos correspondem asversões livres de glúten e caseína como o pão de arroz porexemplo.Esta versão tem muitos mas elementos. Por exemplo nesta versão suacriança pode expressar seu estado de ânimo (Ej. Estou irritado, comfome, etc) , também pode falar onde quer ir (Ej. Eu vou parabanheiro).A serie de aplicações DiegoDiz toma em conta as limitações de suacriança por exemplo não precisa de arrastar imagens pois não sempreeles têm essa habilidade. A linguagem e o jeito mais efectivo detirar sua criança de seu mundo. Experimente.This before the Proversion of the application FalaFácil Diegodiz. This applicationrepresents a multo fast and convenient way to teach your autisticchild the basics of communication. The communication and the mostimportant element to increase the independence and development ofyour child. This application uses the basic needs of your child tostimulate their performance.How it works:The child must first tighten the lay of action (Ej: I want) andthen one of the possible options that are below (ex: Food).Remember that persistence and his best ally. Your child should tryto use this application on each occasion wishing to communicate aneed. The practice will do the rest.In the case that their boy is in a regime free of casein andgluten, so bread, ice cream and other foods match the free versionsof gluten and casein as rice bread for example.This version has many elements but. For example this version yourchild can express your mood (ex. I am angry, hungry, etc), you canalso talk wherever go (ex. I go to the bathroom).A series of DiegoDiz applications take into account the limitationsof your child for instance need not drag images because they do notalways have that ability. The language and the most effective wayto get your child's your world. Try it.
HablaFácil Autism DiegoDicePro 1
Esta es la versión completa de HablaFácilDiego Dice. Esta aplicación representa una forma muy rápida ypráctica de enseñar a su niño autista los elementos básicos de lacomunicación. La comunicación es el elemento más importante para elincremento de la independencia y el progreso de su niño. Estaaplicación usa las necesidades básicas de su niño para estimularloa comunicarse.Como funciona:El niño debe de apretar primero el botón de acción (Ej: Yo quiero)y luego una de las opciones posibles que se encuentran abajo (Ej:Comida).Recuerde que la persistencia y la paciencia son sus mejoresaliados. Debe de intentar que su hijo utilice esta aplicación cadavez que desee comunicar una necesidad. La práctica hará elresto.Si su niño está siguiendo una dieta libre de caseína y glutenentonces el pan, el helado y otros alimentos se supone quecorresponden a sus versiones libres de gluten y caseína como el pande arroz por ejemplo.Esta versión contiene muchos más elementos, por ejemplo en esta elniño puede expresar su estado de ánimo (Ej. Estoy cansado, consueño , con hambre etc.) o también que desea hacer (Ej. Voy albaño).La serie DiegoDice toma en cuenta las limitaciones de su niño a lahora de interactuar con los dispositivos por ejemplo esta nonecesita de desplazar las imágenes pues no siempre estos niñostienen motricidad fina. Esta aplicación contiene elementos básicosde comunicación solamente pues el objetivo de esta es que su niñode el paso fundamental que es salir de su mundo y empiece acomunicarse. Buena suerte.Si desea hacer sugerencias de que tipo de aplicación desea para suniño deje sus comentarios en el blog:http:// greenbubbledeveloper.blogspot.comThis is the full versionof HablaFácil Diego says. This application represents a veryquickly and practical way to teach your autistic child the basicsof communication. Communication is the most important forincreasing the independence and progress of your child element.This application uses the basic needs of your child to encouragehim to communicate.How does it work:The child must press the action button (eg I) first and then one ofthe possible options are listed below (eg Food).Remember that persistence and patience are your best allies. Hemust try to have your child use this application whenever you wantto communicate a need. The practice will do the rest.If your child is following a diet free of casein and then glutenbread, ice cream and other foods are supposed to correspond totheir free versions of gluten and casein such as rice bread forexample.This version contains many more elements, for example, this childcan express your mood (eg. I'm tired, sleepy, hungry etc.) and alsoyou want to do (eg. Go to the bathroom).The DiegoDice series takes into account the limitations of yourchild when interacting with devices such as this does not need toscroll through images these children do not always have fine motorskills. This application contains basic elements of communicationonly for the purpose of this is that your child is the fundamentalstep out of your world and begin to communicate. Good luck.If you have suggestions on what type of application you want foryour child leave your comments in the blog:http: //
Water Fant. Golden River Free 1.0
Interactive dynamic wallpaper, that simulates the behavior of waterover a river
Water Fantasies Golden River
Interactive dynamic wallpaper, that simulates the behavior of waterover a river
Autism MindAwakener 2.0
This application helps autistic children to learn the alphabetusing water
Autism Read & Write 17.0
Intended to help ASD children to learn the basic of reading andwriting
HablaFácil Autismo DiegoDice 1.0
Practical way to teach your autistic child communication elements
FalaFácil Autismo DiegoDiz 1
Practical way to teach your autistic child the communicationelements
Soccer Warrior Survival 2.0
This is the free version of FootBallWarriorSurvival:In the year 2040 and Alex Brown is a professional playeroffuturistic type of football (soccer) known as Hardballing. Inthisgame the player uses magnets located in feet and head tocontrol ahigh resistance superconductor ball that is used tosmashobjects.During a practic he felt some kind of earthquake and was hit byastone. Few ours later he wake up and discover that is buriedandmust get out from there using his ball and his knowledgeofHardballing. However, he will know soon that there areotherdangers out there...Use the Hardballing to get Alex out breaking all the objectsandthe walls using your feet and head to hit the ball .This version have 6 levels, after you play this game youwillbecome a fan of Hardballing
Autism Speech DiegoSays 2
Is practical form of teaching your child the basics ofcommunication
Special Places Free 14.0
This app is for posting and searching of reviews of places withspecial features